If you live anywhere near the Mid Atlantic region of the United States and you're looking to start LARPING (Live Action Roleplay), look no further.
Maybe you're not new to LARP and just want to figure out what events are near you- either way we've made it our mission to collect and curate a list of unaffiliated studios and events in the region and link you right to their ticket sales and websites. Some of them even use this page as the go-between for sales. We've also compiled a list and calendar of both Campaign LARPS, and Emergent LARPS.
We hope you find the LARP that's right for you, because there sure are a lot, and everyone deserves to find the one that fits them best.
Want to get on the calendar, or get a splash page?
Reach out with the chat button below!
Since we're a studio agnostic collective of larps, we try to take the existing information at a larp, an organize it in a consistent way. We're working on a consistent navigation system for each larp listed on this page, and it's there you'll learn how to play, what you'll need, and the policies of a given larp. We hope that it helps you make a choice in finding what LARP is right for you. Finally, we're also trying to create an easily accessible calendar for high quality larps in the region. If you want to be listed, please reach out using the chat button!
Our goal is to fine tune the navigation and ease of access to each LARP this page show cases, allowing a newcomer to quickly ascertain if a game is a good fit for them, so keep an eye out for updates!